What are the top Health Benefits of Camping?
What are the top Health Benefits of Camping? 1) The Fresh Air Fresh air is when you do time near a lot of trees. You take in more extra oxygen. That feeling of satisfaction that you get when you take your first breath of air is serotonin from the extra oxygen. Your body can work with less strain when there is lots of oxygen. When you spend a few days outside, you get some health benefits from the oxygen and low levels of pollution. This is the best benefits of camping outside. 2) Socialization Camping alone is plenty of fun but if you bring along an associate or group members you enjoy a different activity together that will help you keep a happy connection. Socializing can extend your lifespan and delay memory problems to research published in the American Journal of Public Health from the medical a few close relations make life more fun. Request a few friends on your next trip out. Benefits of camping is also socialization and making more friends. 3) ...